How to read my e-mail messages? Print

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There are two basic ways for checking your email hosted by Netholistic. You can either use one of the web-based email clients provided with your hosting account or a local email client like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.
To access your email accoutn using Webmail:

To access your email through local email clients like Outlook and Thunderbird:

Configuring an email client is very easy and straightforward process. You just need to follow the instructions displayed during the process and use the settings below:

Incoming mail server (POP3 server):
Outgoing mail server (SMTP server):
Username: Please use the full e-mail account name.
Example: [email protected] instead of you
Password: **********

If you have never used an email client, we strongly advise you to take a look at our detailed step-by-step tutorials of the most commonly used local email clients:

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